August 2021 Horoscopes

It’s your month Leo! Enjoy deep discussions and counseling loved ones with your diplomatic social skills highlighted by many successful encounters. You may be contacted with new offers at work or home such as a boss recognizing your contributions or a realtor contacting you. Make sure to do your research before committing to anything. Treat yourself to something as special as you are, you certainly deserve it!

As your season quickly approaches, things start aligning so that settlements are complete and medical considerations are made at the beginning of the month. You will want to treat yourself to a relaxing weekend off without making excuses about unfinished business. Your hard work is being recognized so you can let go during those much deserved vacation plans around the corner.

The month starts off with you working out personal financial details in preparation for time off with family and friends. By mid-month your finances should be in the right direction as long as you’re sticking to a plan. Go with the flow if vacation plans change unexpectedly. You’re teamwork and work accomplishments are acknowledged, you may even be asked to step into a leadership position.

You may find yourself in a testy situation with romantic or business partners that will only get worked out with patience towards healing communication rifts. You’ll need to stay keen with a sharp mind to navigate sudden changes in circumstances. Uranus, the planet of surprises, moves retrograde around the same time that we have a full moon in Aquarius which may create volatile challenges in partnerships and in the home. Embrace flexibility and try your best to stay patient.

Feel the love in the beginning of the month as your romance sector warms to making emotional connections or you dig deeper in a relationship with listening and support. Even your workplace will benefit from an infusion of passion as you gain a new respect from work acquaintances with your laid back leadership skills.

Lots of planetary movement keep finances in the air creating potential delays on decisions such as loans, travel approvals, or education expenses. You may not find clarity until next month so stay patient until more details emerge. Try to find peace if the lack of progress is driving your overachieving self crazy! However, you can also distract yourself with others, as your social world heats up allowing you to connect with close friends, work colleagues, and family.

You may be called away from recreational leisure to complete pressing tasks this month, but you’ll at least be recognized for your efforts! Work connections help promote your productivity making collaborative efforts with those who support your work easy and successful. Try not to discuss any ‘hot topics’ at home until you’ve done all your research.

Confusing instructions at work may mean you have to pick up the pieces of coworkers or those you manage. Don't freak out and try to beat the stress as you implement some of your innovative management practices! Relationship dynamics are mostly positive throughout the month until some attitudes surface with children, younger siblings, or those who look up to you.  

It’s time to enjoy the finer things in life as the sun shines in your fifth house of recreation, entertainment, romance, and pleasure. Now is a good time to take the next step in a relationship or start something new as your social skills are at an all time high. Friends and family may be looking to you for help planning an adventure, but with several planets in retrograde plans need careful review.

With four planets in retrograde this month, you may experience some problems and confusion arising especially at your home base. Hasty decisions at home or work cause issues that require reflection. You’ll want to take the last days of Summer to reflect on which issues need to be prioritized. Be cautious of fraud.

This month is great for rekindling old relationships and long lost friends or those you haven’t connected with in a while. You may feel a bit of unease as Uranus moves retrograde, creating unstable conditions in your solar twelfth house of the unknown. This means conflicts may arise surrounding secrets or sensitive information.

Personal and business partnerships benefit from your action oriented point of view as now is a great time to use creative solutions to boost your security. Collaboration strategies and networking are strengthened. Be wary of any pending proposals and weigh your options carefully. Playing it cool during negotiations will fare well for you.