September 2021 Horoscopes
As we continue Virgo season until the end of the month, it’s a great time to reinvent yourself and review your goals beginning with the Virgo new moon on September 6th. You deserve to make your own needs a priority. Things at work may pile up as management or colleagues may leave you hanging. The full moon in Pisces in your solar 7th house on the 20th creates emotional instability followed by communication issues beginning on the 26th when Mercury stations retrograde.
With Mars and the Sun entering Libra this month, you’ll be feeling extra active and may be recognized as having the magic touch to help friends or relatives mediate potentially sticky situations. You are especially good at using your resources wisely to find creative solutions for social dilemmas, which rightfully increases your self confidence. Make sure you move forward with any big decisions before Mercury goes retrograde on the 26th. Since your birthday season starts on the 22nd, treat yourself to a special experience as refined as you are!
You may be prone to confusion and misunderstandings this month but focusing on the positive attributes of others and practicing forgiveness will make things easier. As Venus moves into Scorpio on the 10th, consider how you want to prioritize the relationships in your life. By the full moon in Pisces on the 20th, you may find yourself in a highly romantic situation. This month’s transits might have you feeling on edge or uneasy with potential for emotional outbursts so just remember to breathe.
Expect a few opportunities to gather with close friends, family, or associates this month at family reunions, birthdays, or other milestone celebrations. This month may feel a bit more serious than last month as pending issues work themselves out. Focus especially on a sense of justice and use savvy negotiation to navigate any disputes. You may notice that the full moon in Pisces on the 20th turns you into a homebody.
Collaboration and organizational goals will likely come easily, however take caution this month as you could be working through a lot of growing pains in which past situations you thought had been fully understood may surface again. Uranus transiting your solar 5th house of pleasure will likely equate to restlessness and an increased desire to indulge. Make sure most of your affairs are in order before Mercury goes retrograde on September 26th.
The horizon is looking prosperous for work endeavors and financial gain this month as many planets in air signs promote your success. Someone may do you a favor that ends up being extremely beneficial for your professional advancement. Your communication is on point as more people seek your expertise, whether that be friends, family, or colleagues. As there’s a natural inclination towards expansion, the new moon on the 6th and full moon on the 20th make this a powerful time for setting intentions.
As Virgo is the opposite sign of Pisces, all of the Virgo energy at the beginning of the month may have you feeling a bit tired. You may feel especially drained with the new moon in Virgo on the 6th. You may gain valuable experience to reflect on and learn from your mistakes especially as the new moon in Pisces on the 20th illuminates how satisfied you are with where you are.
As we are transitioning through Virgo season, you are feeling organized and motivated to tackle new projects especially on the work front in the beginning of the month. You may have been taking time away from the workplace, but now is the time to focus on teamwork especially as Mars moves into Libra on the 14th, gassing up your collaborative efforts. When Libra season hits on the 22nd, you’ll be feeling more impulsive to join in on social opportunities. Take advantage of this productive energy while you can!
You’re Earth sector is highlighted by Virgo season as it’s a great time to lay the foundation for your next successful venture. Though you may be a bit restless in the beginning of the month, ultimately there will be some favorable connections for you including a potentially lucrative lead to expand your horizons. Personal connections may be infused with extra love and affection. Your workload may be heavier so be sure to take care of your health. Make time to recover so you can relax.
You will find it easy to make connections and network using your humorous charm that is enhanced by multiple planets transiting through air signs all month long. However, Mercury stations retrograde in Libra on September 26th causing communication issues and technical delays. Overall, September will be infused with air energy that enhances your dreams and fantasies.
September is a great month for romance in your life, Cancer. As Venus moves into Scorpio on the 10th, you may find yourself progressing towards new commitments or understandings on a romantic front. You may receive distant invitations from family or in business requesting a future commitment as well. Your intuition is strong so be sure to follow your gut. With the Full Moon in Pisces on the 20th, it’s a good time to reevaluate anything that isn’t working.
You are still feeling the success of your season last month as planets transiting through air signs help to create a favorable month for you. Expect to receive a lot of attention and love from friends, neighbors, relatives, and romantic interests especially in the beginning of the month. You may be feeling more emotional towards the end of the month. Be sure to finalize any big decisions, deals, or contracts before the last Mercury in retrograde of the year on the 26th.